Deworming Services for Pets

Protect your pet from deadly parasites by deworming them regularly.

Deworming your pet is one of the first forms of preventative treatments you should give them. Worms can live inside your pet or affect their health and their lifespan. When you deworm your furry friend, you protect the rest of your family from catching their parasites. Some worms are zoonotic, which allows them to be transmitted to other species such as humans. As soon as your pet joins your household you should enroll them in our preventative treatment program. We can provide deworming prescriptions and create a timeline for treatments for your pet.

What are common worms that may affect my pet?

  • Tapeworms
  • Roundworms
  • Whipworms
  • Hookworms

How do I know if my pet has worms?

Many of the signs that indicate worms are symptoms of other illnesses. This is why it is important to have your furry friend come in for an evaluation before you attempt to deworm them on your own. At our clinic we may examine your pet’s stool under a microscope for worm eggs to diagnose them. Some signs that your pet needs to be assessed are:

  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Change in appetite
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive coughing

When should my pet be dewormed?

Every pet should be dewormed during the first weeks of their life. Kittens and puppies should be dewormed every two weeks from approximately 6-weeks-old. They should also be dewormed at 12 and 16-weeks-old. Younger pets can be born with worms or become infected from their mothers. Adult cats and dogs should also be dewormed at six months and 1-year-old. Following these treatments our team will create a deworming schedule where your pet comes in twice every year to be dewormed. To schedule a deworming appointment for your pet call 403-637-3928.

What deworming treatments are available for my pet?

Deworming treatments may differ based on the type of worms your pet is infected with. This is why we discourage pet owners from administering deworming medications without consulting a veterinarian. We run tests to identify worms then prescribe different treatments based on your pet’s health condition. Deworming medications are given through tablets, injections, liquids and topical

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