Bloodwork Services for Pets

Regular blood tests help maintain good health and prevent harmful diseases in cats and dogs.

From time to time your pets may need to come in to get their bloodwork done. At our practice, we recommend each patient has their blood tested at least once every year. Bloodwork isn’t only done for sick pets, healthy ones may benefit from routine testing too. Furthermore, we have a full diagnostic laboratory that allows us to perform urinalysis and other diagnostics.

My pet is healthy, why do they need bloodwork done?

As mentioned earlier even healthy pets benefit from having their bloodwork done. It is also important to note that even though your furry friend looks healthy it’s almost impossible to determine what’s going on inside their bodies through physical examinations. Some underlying conditions don’t show symptoms in the early stages and may be identified through abnormalities in the blood. Other reasons why your pet may need bloodwork done are:

  • Your pet is senior. Senior pets need routine bloodwork because their age makes them vulnerable to illnesses. By testing them regularly we catch diseases in the early stage where they are easily treated or managed.
  • To determine if surgery is right for your pet. Before every procedure, we check your pet’s blood to ensure levels are normal and their organs are functioning properly. With this knowledge, we can determine how much anesthesia is safe for your pet.
  • To determine your pet’s normal health. Your pet’s baseline health is important as our veterinarians can compare any changes in the future.

To schedule your pet’s blood testing give us a call at 403-637-3928.

How can I prepare my pet for bloodwork?

The process of taking blood samples from your pet is very similar to drawing blood in humans. They will only feel a small pinch as the needle enters their body and we work gently to make sure they feel as little pain as possible. We may require that your pet fast prior to having their bloodwork done. Sometimes bloodwork is done in conjunction with urine or fecal analysis, in this case our veterinarians will provide special instructions prior to your visit.

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