Dental Care Services for Pets

Regular brushing and routine cleanings can help prevent gum disease. Contact us for more details.

It’s a sad reality but dental care is often neglected in pets. Taking care of your pet’s oral health has a major effect on the life they live. Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) is one of the most common illnesses seen in pets by veterinarians. It is estimated that more than 80% of pets suffer from some degree of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease doesn’t only affect their mouth, bacteria can also travel to other parts of the body and cause other serious problems. To schedule a routine dental visit for your pet, call us at 403-637-3928.

How does my pet develop periodontal disease?

Each time your pet eats, leftover particles combine with saliva and bacteria to form plaque over their teeth. If the plaque isn’t removed by brushing each day, the bacteria multiplies. To get rid of the bacteria in the mouth, white blood cells release enzymes that affect the gum tissue. This is when you’ll see signs like inflamed or bleeding gums. If left untreated, periodontal disease can affect gums, teeth, bone structure and vital organs such as the kidney and heart.

What happens during my pet’s dental exam?

Your pet’s dental exams are very similar to your own. At our clinic our veterinarians have the expertise to have your furry friend’s oral health in top form. Every dental exam begins with an assessment of the mouth where we look for early signs of periodontal disease. Our exams may also include:

  • Using X-rays to examine your pet’s teeth and diagnose dental problems
  • A dental cleaning where we remove plaque from the teeth and the gum line to reduce infections
  • Using anesthesia to alleviate any discomfort your furry friend may feel during the procedure

How can I protect my pet from periodontal disease?

Regular cleaning at home is also important, but to give your pet the best protection, dental exams are necessary. With regular brushing, the leftover bacteria is removed after each meal which prevents buildup. During a dental exam, we perform scaling which removes tartar and plaque, giving your pet’s mouth a deeper clean. You should also check for early signs of the disease on a daily basis and contact your veterinarian if you become concerned.

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